Computer Help and Tidbits

How to use Microsoft Word to do your bibliography for you...also insert your citations!

Hint: you can choose "Manage Sources" under the "reference" tab to input all of your sources you have collected and wish to use in your paper.  Once this is done, you can put your cursor where you want your citation to go---end of sentence---then go to the reference tab and chose insert citation and you can select the citation you added earlier under "manage sources" SEE VIDEO

Word Processing Options

There are a couple different options you have to do word processing.  One is obviously Microsoft Word, however, this is an expensive program.  Other options is Google Docs.  It is a free online office setup that can import Word documents for editing.  You must first have a Google account found here

Another option is Open Office.  It is a full suite of products (like Word, PowerPoint, Excel) except it is FREE!!!! You can download it here.

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