5 Steps in the Writing Process

The writing process is difficult at the beginning but very rewarding once all the work is finished.  It is not a static process, it involves multiple steps, research, and time to do it correctly.  Once a person understands the steps in the writing process they will be better thinkers, analyzers, organizers, grammarians, and a more literate member of society.  

 So your next question might be, what are the steps?  Well here are 5 steps that every writer should do....

Step                Description         Strategies

Step 1: Pre-Writing 

Step 2: Drafting

Step 3: Revising

Step 4: Editing

Step 5: Publishing

An activity that causes the writer to think about he subject.  The writer organizes their thoughts before they begin to write.

The process of putting ideas down on paper.  The focus is on content not mechanics

The process of refining the piece of writing.  The writer adds to a writing piece.  The writer reorganizes a piece of writing.  The writer shares his story and gets input from peers or teacher

Mechanical, grammatical and spelling errors are fixed in the writing piece

The writing piece is prepared in final form, including illustrations.  The writer shares his writing with others.
Drawing, Talking, Brainstorming, Graphic organizers, Research, Listing, Field Trips

Taking notes, Organizing thoughts
into paragraphs, writing a first draft

Peer editing, Conferencing, share chair or Author's Chair

Checklists, Rubrics, Editing Checklists, proofreading

Reading aloud,  Reading to a group,  Displaying in the room,Printing the books, web publishing
source: www.ezwebsite.org